(Another great perspective from guestblogger Leanne. It'll change the way you do laundry!)
I recently read in a book something I thought was worth repeating. I found as I read this book, it was all about perspective. How I see my life, the daily chores and situations, is really what can make or break my attitude. Not only can it change my attitude, but it can actually change lives.
What do I mean? Well, it’s about prayer.
As I sit in front of a load of laundry piled high, I manage to breathe a heavy sigh. I grab the first pair of jeans, fold them and plop them on the bed. Usually, I rush to get this desperately boring chore finished so I can move on to something else. Something more fun, like washing dishes. No, not fun, just next on my list.
Today is different. Today I found out that socks and prayer can go hand in hand.
This time as I fold my husband’s socks I lift up a prayer that the Lord would lead him and guide him throughout his day. That He would be His strength and protector. Next I grabbed his jeans and remembered the Lord promised to provide for us and was thankful my husband had a job to go to today. I also smiled as I thanked God for the amazing man that wears those jeans and looks so good in them!
Soon I held in my hands a smaller pair of socks. I knew they belonged to one of my boys because the writing was in green. They all wear different colors so I know whose is whose! I prayed for this little life that will grow to be a strong man someday. I prayed that God would take him places in his walk that only God could dream up.
I prayed for God’s protection over my next child who wears the socks with blue writing. Reminded of how many paths there are to choose from in life, I asked the Lord that His Spirit would lead him only into paths of righteousness and that he would walk with Jesus every day of his life.
Then came the tiny little socks. My little guy: such a sweet and talented boy. I talked to God about what His plans for his life might be. I know he will walk down many roads and will need the Lord to show him where to go next. I prayed for wisdom to raise him and for his feet to take him places where he can show God’s love to the lost, however God chose to do that.
My daughter rarely wears socks, but today I folded a pair that belonged to her. No words explain a mother’s heart towards her daughter. It’s almost a silent prayer that only God can hear and understand. I wipe a tear as I see her future so bright and laid out before her. Her musical talent will take her many places and her sweet spirit will cause her to bless so many. I prayed for God’s continued love and protection and grace on her life. That as she walks through life as a teenager and one day, a woman, she will always find her hope in Christ.
Yes, each little sock and pair of jeans reminded me of the precious lives that make up my family. Now when I fold, I pray. That is how lives are changed when I do laundry.
What do I mean? Well, it’s about prayer.
As I sit in front of a load of laundry piled high, I manage to breathe a heavy sigh. I grab the first pair of jeans, fold them and plop them on the bed. Usually, I rush to get this desperately boring chore finished so I can move on to something else. Something more fun, like washing dishes. No, not fun, just next on my list.
Today is different. Today I found out that socks and prayer can go hand in hand.
This time as I fold my husband’s socks I lift up a prayer that the Lord would lead him and guide him throughout his day. That He would be His strength and protector. Next I grabbed his jeans and remembered the Lord promised to provide for us and was thankful my husband had a job to go to today. I also smiled as I thanked God for the amazing man that wears those jeans and looks so good in them!
Soon I held in my hands a smaller pair of socks. I knew they belonged to one of my boys because the writing was in green. They all wear different colors so I know whose is whose! I prayed for this little life that will grow to be a strong man someday. I prayed that God would take him places in his walk that only God could dream up.
I prayed for God’s protection over my next child who wears the socks with blue writing. Reminded of how many paths there are to choose from in life, I asked the Lord that His Spirit would lead him only into paths of righteousness and that he would walk with Jesus every day of his life.
Then came the tiny little socks. My little guy: such a sweet and talented boy. I talked to God about what His plans for his life might be. I know he will walk down many roads and will need the Lord to show him where to go next. I prayed for wisdom to raise him and for his feet to take him places where he can show God’s love to the lost, however God chose to do that.
My daughter rarely wears socks, but today I folded a pair that belonged to her. No words explain a mother’s heart towards her daughter. It’s almost a silent prayer that only God can hear and understand. I wipe a tear as I see her future so bright and laid out before her. Her musical talent will take her many places and her sweet spirit will cause her to bless so many. I prayed for God’s continued love and protection and grace on her life. That as she walks through life as a teenager and one day, a woman, she will always find her hope in Christ.
Yes, each little sock and pair of jeans reminded me of the precious lives that make up my family. Now when I fold, I pray. That is how lives are changed when I do laundry.
That really did give me a new lease on folding laundry, as I sit writing this comment I have piles sorted behind me, some ready to be hung others ready to be mathced into outfits. I shed a tear as you spoke of your daughter. Mine is my hardest child, yet I love her with all my heart. I know that God will never give me a challenge I cannot handle. Great Blog.